William C at age 12.
William C in middle age.
William C in his 80s.
Picture of William C. and second wife Florence Adella Burt.William C and
Florence Adella Burt Family
Picture of William C. and first wife Melissa Jane Stwart.William C. and
Melissa Jane Stewart
Picture of William Horsley and wife Elizabeth Preston Horsley. William Horsley
and Elizabeth Preston Welsh Horsley

Family crest.

Brigham City,

Thumbnail of one of William C Horsley's artworks.William C Horsley's Art

Picture of Susan Clements Horsley Paxman. Susan Clements Horsley Paxman 1817 - 1885 Grandmother

and Family


Brigham City


Sumner Washington State

Salt Lake City

Evergreen Colorado Springs

Midvale Cemetery Utah

Mount Olivet Salt Lake City

Altorest in Ogden, Utah

Greenlawn, Bakersfield California

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